Full or Partial Dentures?

What are the Types of Dentures?

Full or partial dentures

The different types of dentures available include the following:

Full dentures

Full Dentures are best for those who have lost all their teeth in the lower and/or upper jaw. They help with chewing and speaking and also restore the facial appearance.

Partial dentures

They are used in patients who have lost few teeth but do not wish to have dental implants or bridges which are more expensive options. Such partial dentures are removable; they are connected by natural teeth, gums, and a metal-and-plastic connective frame.

Immediate dentures

These are fitted immediately after extraction of natural teeth so that you can eat and speak clearly. Over time, when the bones and gums heal, these dentures will no longer fit correctly, and will need to be replaced.

Conventional dentures

They are fixed after a few months of teeth extraction. If you are prepared to wait for the gums and bones to heal before having your dentures fitted, ask an experienced dentist in Roswell, GA for this denture type. Not only do they fit correctly the very first time, they are also the least expensive of all denture types.

Implant-supported dentures

These dentures are held in place by dental implants. They allow you to chew, eat, speak and smile more confidently because you know the denture will not move out of position. Such dentures are inserted surgically into the jawbone and stay permanently in place.

Natural-looking cosmetic dentures

They are made of ceramic porcelain that gives them an aesthetic look unlike the plastic appearance of conventional dentures.

If you have dentures also read our tips to treat denture discomfort.

Questions answered on this page

What are full dentures?

What are partial dentures?

What are implant dentures?

What are conventional dentures

Contact Sunshine Smiles Dentistry for full or partial dentures

To know more about which denture type will work best for you, get in touch with Sunshine Dentistry in Roswell, Georgia at 770-998-8116