How To Remove Bad Breath Forever? By your local Roswell GA Dentist

Is lousy breath holding you back? Bad breath is not only a reason to visit your dentist, but a significant social problem that can leave you feeling embarrassed often. One of the first things a person notices during a conversation is your smile, and soon after, your breath. Unpleasant breath odor may lead you to avoid talking to friends and colleagues.
Everyone has experienced the common ‘morning breath’ phenomenon, which is a stale odor emanating from the mouth when you wake up. That is common to most people and results from stagnant saliva resting in the mouth overnight. Morning breath odor usually disappears after tooth brushing, but lingering bad breath requires dental treatment. Why does bad breath or halitosis as it is called in dental jargon, occur? Read on to know more about what causes bad breath and what you can do to prevent it:
What Causes Bad Breath?
Dr Sachdeva, your local Roswell ga dentist, says that the leading cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene or infrequent brushing of teeth. If you eat food and do not rinse your mouth or clean your teeth afterward, food particles are retained in the mouth. Food debris stuck to the tooth surfaces or in between them decompose over time to give a foul breath. There are other reasons for bad breath as well, such as:
Medical Causes
Infections of the nose, sinuses, or throat can cause bad breath, as well as medical problems such as diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, or respiratory infections.
Gum Infections
Infected gums lead to foul mouth odor due to the buildup of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria release compounds such as sulfur that produce a putrid smell.
Dental Decay
A decayed tooth contains microorganisms that give off bad odor to the mouth. Infection of the oral mucosa or soft tissue can also produce bad breath as bacteria stick to the soft tissues and release chemicals that smell foul.
Improperly Aligned Teeth
Teeth that are placed irregularly, filled or restored poorly create gaps where oral bacteria accumulate. Tooth brushing of irregular teeth is often complicated and leads to the development of food deposits that putrify and give off a foul odor.
Xerostomia or Dry Mouth
Some persons have a dry mouth due to various causes resulting in low levels of saliva. A dry mouth releases a foul smell in most cases.
Food and Drinks
Specific foods such as garlic, onion, spices, as well as tobacco or alcohol can give an unpleasant odor to the breath. However, the foul smell induced by food or drinks is transient and lasts for about a few hours only.
How Can I Manage Bad Breath? Visit your North Atlanta Dentist!
Bad breath requires accurate diagnosis and treatment. Teeth cleaning at Sunshine Smiles Dentistry, local dentist near Roswell GA can help eliminate the most significant cause of bad breath by removing accumulated food deposits from the mouth. Regular tooth brushing ensures that food particles are removed regularly from the mouth. A dental check-up every six months can further ensure that any residual dental deposits are removed and foul breath is prevented.
It is also essential to get decayed teeth restored and gum infections treated before bad breath develops and interferes with your social life. Use of mouth rinses, tongue cleaning, chewing sugar-free gums, and using proper hydration can help reduce bad breath significantly. Timely dental visits can also help identify potential causes of bad breath so that you can beat the problem before it even occurs! Visit one of our dentist roswell ga if you have any questions about halitosis.