It is natural to have Oral Surgery Recovery Questions. Apart from all the questions going through your mind concerning the safety and efficacy of the procedure, you must also be thinking about your post-surgery recovery and recuperation.
Contacting a competent dentist is the first step in the right direction. Dentists send patients home with a comprehensive list of instructions to assist in their quick recovery after oral surgery.
In addition, given below is a short guide with information on the post-recovery process. This will help you understand the issues you might face. Also, the length of time you require to recover. And the steps you must follow to heal quickly.
What is the recovery time after oral surgery?
It usually takes at least two full days to recover from swelling and pain, which is a normal part of the body’s healing process. You should be able to resume your regular daily activities two days after your oral surgery, even though the swelling might take almost a week to subside completely.
What medication should I take after oral surgery?
After the surgery, your oral surgeon or dentist will provide you a list of instructions for a safe and speedy recovery. These instructions include prescriptions for the pain and infection medications required to manage routine after-effects of your surgery.
You must ensure that you adhere precisely to all instructions and avoid using any over-the-counter medications. If necessary, consult with your dentist before taking any medications not prescribed by them.
You must also make sure you finish the full and correct dosage of antibiotics prescribed to you. It is important to remember that the purpose of the prescribed medication is to speed up the recovery and prevent infection at the surgery site.
What should I avoid?
You must refrain from strenuous spitting or rinsing for at least a day after your oral surgery. Perform the daily activities like brushing and flossing as gently as you can, even avoiding them for a day or two, if you are unable to open your jaws wide enough. You can just swirl some lukewarm water in your mouth if you must.
Rinsing with saltwater or a saline solution a day after your surgery can help in recovery by keeping the surgery site clean and disinfected. Refrain from using an over-the-counter mouthwash.
Post-Surgery Healing
Bleeding is a natural response of the body’s healing mechanism in any type of surgery. The steps you can take to aid your recovery include pressing down by biting firmly on the gauze around the surgery site, especially for the first hour immediately after the surgery.
Sip on lukewarm water intermittently to keep the gauze moist, if you feel it is stuck to the tissue.
Some stiffness in the facial muscles may persist for up to ten days after the surgery. Slight bruising, if your surgery involves the lower wisdom tooth, is also common.
Using an ice pack for the first 24 hours after the surgery can lessen the swelling. Immediately after the surgery, try to keep your head elevated for a few hours. This will reduce the flow of the blood to the head, helping prevent headaches and swelling.
The extent of pain felt by different individuals is subjective and mostly depends on the extent of oral surgery performed on them. Follow all the instructions provided by your oral surgeon routinely to alleviate pain and related post-surgery issues.
Choose an Experienced Dentist in Roswell, GA
A visit to the oral surgeon need not be a painful and unpleasant experience. Post-operative care in oral surgery, whether minor or major, is crucial in deciding the length of time it will take you to recover. At Sunshine Smiles Dentistry, we endeavor to make your medical procedure a pleasant experience. We will also help you get back to your normal routine as quickly and safely as possible. Schedule your appointment with an experienced dentist in Roswell, GA. We serve patients looking for a dentist near Roswell, GA 30075 or dentist near Roswell, GA 30076.