Can dental problems cause headaches?

Can dental problems cause headaches - Sunshine Smiles Dentistry - Dentist Roswell GA

Dental problems can often cause headaches! Headaches are a common ailment that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. While there are various causes for headaches, dental issues can sometimes be a hidden contributor.

Dental Restorations can offer solutions for Headaches

Bite Correction

Dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, and veneers, can correct misaligned bites and restore proper alignment. This balanced bite reduces muscle strain and tension, alleviating headache symptoms. At Sunshine Smiles Dentistry we provide several general and cosmetic dentistry for patients near Roswell, GA

Even Distribution of Forces

Restorations help ensure that biting and chewing forces are evenly distributed across the dental arch. This balanced distribution minimizes strain on muscles and joints, reducing the risk of tension-related headaches.

Protection and Support

Restorations provide protection and support to damaged or worn teeth. By preserving the integrity of the teeth’s structure, they prevent further wear and tear that could contribute to headaches.

Orthodontic Restorations

For cases of misalignment causing headaches, orthodontic treatments at Sunshine Smiles Dentistry like braces or clear aligners can gradually shift teeth into their proper positions, promoting a harmonious bite and relieving muscle tension. We serve Spanish speaking patients looking for orthodontic treatments

Benefits of Dental Restorations from our Atlanta Dentists

Targeted Relief: Dental restorations specifically address the dental issues causing headaches, offering targeted relief and improved quality of life.

Improved Oral Function: Restorations not only alleviate headaches but also restore proper oral function, allowing for comfortable chewing, speaking, and overall oral health.

Enhanced Aesthetics: Many dental solutions also enhance the appearance of the smile, providing an added boost of confidence and self-esteem.

Long-Term Results: Dental restorations offer long-lasting results, providing ongoing relief from headaches and discomfort.

Consult with one of top dental clinics near Roswell, GA today!

Sunshine Smiles Dentistry is an award winning and one of the top dental clinics in Roswell, Georgia. Setup a consultation with one of our dentists and see if dental solutions can help with your headaches.

Dental Care as you age

Dental Care As You Age

An increasing number of older people are able to retain their natural teeth for a much longer time now. This is because of changes in modern family dentistry, widespread oral health education, and the availability of enhanced oral health care tools (like interdental brushes).

Dental Care for Older People - Dentist in Roswell GA - Sunshine Smiles Dentistry Roswell Georgia
Dental Care for Older People – Dentist in Roswell GA – Sunshine Smiles Dentistry Roswell Georgia

Teeth decay is a natural process associated with old age. However, you can keep your teeth in excellent condition by taking special care of them.

Age-related Challenges to Oral Health

It is possible for certain medical conditions to develop as you grow older. It is important that you speak to a dentist practicing family dentistry in Roswell, GA to understand more about these challenges and conditions. In terms of oral health, the following conditions are common.

Dry mouth

Dry mouth is usually caused by physical bodily changes due to age, but can also be a direct result of medications. There are over 400 commonly used drugs that can contribute to dry mouth as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This increases the likelihood of oral diseases as saliva plays an important role in killing bacteria and rebuilding enamel.


Periodontal diseases become common in older adults because of unchecked plaque formation. You may suffer from frequent thrush, which is an uncontrolled fungal growth. It is possible for severe illnesses to develop as well, including oral cancer.

Root decay

Root decay is often accompanied by gum disease which is characterized by swollen, irritated, and bleeding gums. In this, the roots of your teeth are exposed as the gum recedes, causing accelerated tooth decay as you age.


This is also called simple wear and tear which occurs as a result of decades of grinding and chewing. Your teeth are ageing as you and as the enamel begins to wear down, it increases the risk of cavities.

Tips to Maintain Oral Health as You Age

There are several tips laid down that can help protect your teeth and maintain oral health as you age. These include:

Increasing fluoridation

Incorporate a fluoride rinse in your daily oral hygiene routine or consider switching over to fluoride toothpaste.

Avoiding tobacco

Tobacco in every form has been linked to poor oral health and a number of medical conditions. It can increase the likelihood of throat cancer and heart diseases among other conditions. Chewing tobacco formulations are known to contain sugar, which can accelerate tooth decay.

Increasing oral hydration

You can prevent or delay tooth decay by addressing dry mouth. Ask your physician if you can swap your current medications for ones that do not produce dry mouth. If that is not possible, then consider drinking plenty of water and chewing a sugar-free gum. You should also avoid diuretics and alcohol, which may dehydrate the body. Sunshine Smiles Dentistry is a dentist for the elderly

Visit our dental team at Sunshine Smiles Dentistry

It is important that you visit an expert in family dentistry near Roswell, GA regularly to keep your teeth in tip-top shape as you grow older. Sunshine Smiles Dentistry provides dental services to seniors on Medicare. To schedule an appointment, call us at 770-998-8116 or book online by clicking on Schedule Online!